თსსუ-ის პროფესორ თამარ დიდბარიძისა და ასისტენტ პროფესორის, ელენე პაჭკორიას  ვიზიტი უტრეხტის (ნიდერლანდები) უნივერსიტეტის სამედიცინო ცენტრში

Professor Tamar Didbaridze and Assistant Professor Elene Pachkoria visited the University Medical Center Utrecht (Netherlands)

From June 29 to July 6, 2024 Professor Tamar Didbaridze Head of the Department of Microbiology of TSMU and Assistant Professor Elene Pachkoria the Department of Infectious Diseases of TSMU visited the University Medical Center Utrecht (Netherlands). They participated in a course at the postgraduate level organized by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) and the University Medical Center Utrecht.

Professor Tamar Didbaridze presented a report and Assistant Professor Elene Pachkoria delivered a presentation at the event. Within the framework of the visit the TSMU professors also visited the departments of the University Medical Center Utrecht and explored contemporary diagnostics for infectious diseases and rational use programs for antimicrobial agents