2024 წლის ოლიმპიურ თამაშებზე მყოფი საქართველოს ოლიმპიური ნაკრების სამედიცინო გუნდის წევრებს შორის თსსუ-ის კურსდამთავრებულები არიან

Tbilisi State Medical University graduates are among the members of the Georgian Olympic team's medical staff at the 2024 Olympic Games

28 athletes will participate in the 33rd Olympic Games in Paris in 2024. The Georgian medical team will work with the national Olympic team and among the members of medical team are graduates from the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Tbilisi State Medical University: Firuz Tunadze (head of the medical team), Lasha Ghongadze, Giorgi Mgeladze, Temur Mgeladze, Avtandil Telia and Giorgi Chincharauli.

For the first time in 24 years, the Georgian Olympic team's medical service at the Summer Olympic Games will have a new head: Firuz Tunadze, a graduate of Tbilisi State Medical University. The decision was made by Professor Zurab Kakhabrishvili. Professor Zurab Kahabrishvili has been appointed as a technical official (chief doctor) at the Paris Games by the International Weightlifting Federation.