თსსუ-ის იმუნოლოგიის დეპარტამენტის დელეგაციის ვიზიტი ირლანდიაში

Visit of delegation of TSMU Department of Immunology to Ireland

On September 1-5, 2024, Professor Tinatin Chikovani, Head of the Department of Immunology at Tbilisi State Medical University and Associate Professor Nona Janikashvili participated in the 7th European Congress of Immunology (ECI) in Dublin. Young scientists from the Department of Immunology—Nino Toria, Sophio Metreveli, and Nino Nanava—also took part in the congress.

The group of immunologists from Tbilisi State Medical University presented their scientific papers at the congress. Additionally, Professor Tinatin Chikovani and Associate Professor Nona Janikashvili chaired several working sessions during the event. Professor Tinatin Chikovani also served as a member of the jury for the poster session.

During the visit, representatives of Tbilisi State Medical University met with Professor Jesmond Dalli, Lipid Mediator Unit Director at Queen Mary University of London, UK. Professor Dalli expressed interest in involving Tbilisi State Medical University as a partner organization in a grant project announced by the European Union. Work on the joint project proposal has already begun, with plans to submit it for competition in October 2024.