თსსუ-ის რექტორმა, პროფესორმა ირაკლი ნატროშვილმა „ანესთეზიოლოგიისა და ინტენსიური თერაპიის მე-7 საერთაშორისო კონფერენციის“ მუშაობაში მიიღო მონაწილეობა

Professor Irakli Natroshvili, Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University participated in the 7th International Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Conference

On October 4, 2024, Professor Irakli Natroshvili, Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University participated in the "7th International Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Conference" organized by the Society of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists in Batumi.

The official opening ceremony of the conference was attended by representatives of the executive and legislative authorities of Adjara. Professor Irakli Natroshvili, Rector of TSMU addressed the audience with a welcoming speech.

Workshops were held during the conference on the use of ultrasound and other radiological methods, as well as on regional anesthesia and pain management. The event was attended by anesthesiologists, toxicologists, and emergency medicine specialists, along with invited speakers from Georgia, Europe, and the USA.

The conference was supported by the Government of Adjara, Tbilisi State Medical University and Batumi State University.