კაროლინსკას ინსტიტუტის პირველადი ჯანდაცვის აკადემიური ცენტრის ასოცირებული პროფესორის, მარინა ტალოიანის ვიზიტი თსსუ-ში

Associate Professor Marina Taloyan, the Karolinska Institute, Academic Primary Health Care Centre (Stockholm, Sweden) visited TSMU

Tbilisi State Medical University was visited by Associate Professor Marina Taloyan, the Karolinska Institute, Academic Primary Health Care Centre (Stockholm, Sweden). The professor delivered public lectures “Home Care for Older Adults with Multimorbidity in Sweden: Integrated Digital and Physical Care Management” and “Type 2 Diabetes: Epidemiology and Insights Gained from 20 - years of Research (Clinical Cases)” for the TSMU Medicine and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Faculty students.

Professor discussed critical aspects of patient care with an emphasis on the role of primary healthcare systems. It was highlighted that countries focusing their healthcare systems on a primary care model, such as Sweden, typically achieve better health outcomes.

Within the framework of the visit, Associate Professor Marina Taloyan met with Professor Irakli Natroshvili, Rector of TSMU and members of the administration. The meeting focused on exploring and expanding opportunities for collaboration between TSMU and Karolinska Institute.