Under the leadership of Academician David Gurgenidze, Rector of Georgian Technical University and Chairman of the Permanent Conference of Rectors, the 14th session of the Permanent Conference of Rectors of Georgian Higher Educational Institutions was held at Tbilisi State Medical University.
The conference was attended by rectors and representatives of both public and private higher education institutions. Lasha Margishvili, Acting Director of the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement was presented as a guest at the event. The session was opened by Academician David Gurgenidze. The Rector of Georgian Technical University emphasized the significance of the agenda, noting that the conference would address a critical issue and adopt a special joint statement.
At the 14th session of the Permanent Conference of Rectors, Georgian Technical University Rector and Chair of the Conference, Academician David Gurgenidze, underscored the significance of the meeting in his opening remarks.
“Today, the rectors of higher education institutions will discuss a matter of paramount importance for our country. Considering public interest, the conference has deemed it necessary to deliberate on the situation regarding membership in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) and to adopt a special statement. We feel an obligation to provide comprehensive information to students, prospective applicants, professors and researchers, as well as to communicate the rectors’ unified position on this issue. The conference has invited Mr. Lasha Margishvili, Acting Director of the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, who will share the latest updates concerning EQAR. It is known that the suspension of registration is linked to ENQA’s identification of non-compliance with the standard concerning the center’s independence. This has naturally caused public concern. However, it is crucial to emphasize that this decision in no way affects the recognition of diplomas issued in Georgia. Their validity is not in question. The purpose of today’s session is to provide clear and thorough information to all stakeholders and to finalize a special statement, which will be made public today,” stated David Gurgenidze.
Lasha Margishvili, Acting Director of the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, addressed concerns regarding the suspension of EQAR registration during the conference: “Diplomas issued in Georgia will continue to be recognized internationally just as they were prior to 2019. EQAR's decisions related to the cancellation of international joint exchange programs, the suspension of Georgia's membership in the Bologna Process, the closure of private universities, or the freezing of international grants, are entirely false. None of these issues are connected to the suspension of the center’s registration with EQAR.”
The Rectors’ Permanent Conference, as a full member of the European University Association (EUA), expressed its strong support for the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement regarding the restoration of its registration in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR). After thorough discussions during the 14th session, the conference formulated the following joint statement:
“The Georgian universities and members of the Permanent Conference of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions, address the decision to suspend the registration of the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) on December 11, 2024.
On behalf of the conference, we wish to express our support for the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement and its efforts to restore its EQAR registration.
The higher education system in Georgia, including its academic institutions, remains steadfast in its recognition and adherence to the values and principles established by the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area.
Since 2010, the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement has coordinated the authorization and program accreditation of Georgian educational institutions. The activities of the Center are carried out in compliance with transparency, fairness, impartiality and objectivity.
The state's vision is based on principles that strengthen the autonomy of universities and enhance the quality and efficiency of their activities. As a result, the National Center plays a pivotal role as a credible, sustainable, and independent institution, positively impacting the development of higher education institutions in Georgia.
The full membership of the National Center in the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and its registration with EQAR are crucial achievements for Georgia's higher education system. These milestones support student-centered learning, scientific research, internationalization, and the development of a robust internal quality assurance culture within Georgian universities. This process is being carried out with the effective support of the Center. The Center is an authoritative, sustainable and independent institution in Georgia at the organizational, financial and operational levels, the activities of which positively affect the development of higher education institutions.
In this context, on behalf of the Permanent Conference of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions in Georgia, which is a full member of the European University Association (EUA), we express our support for the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement.
We hope that the Center’s accomplishments, its significant contributions to improving the higher education system, its efforts to address shortcomings identified in 2023, and its practices recognized as exemplary by international experts will be duly considered during the review of the Center’s appeal to restore its EQAR registration.
We believe that the timely renewal of EQAR registration and ENQA membership will pave the way for even more fruitful international cooperation. Together with the National Center, we will continue our work towards strengthening the quality and institutional foundation of the Georgian higher education system”.
This joint statement was signed by the rectors of state and private universities, members of the Permanent Conference of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Georgia.