თსსუ-ის ფიზიკური რეაბილიტაციის პოლიტიკისა და სტრატეგიული მართვის დეპარტამენტის პროექტის „ფიზიკური რეაბილიტაციის როლი ჯანდაცვის სისტემაში“ ფარგლებში სტუდენტებმა პრეზენტაციები წარმოადგინეს

TSMU students’ presentations within the framework of the project "The Role of Physical Rehabilitation in the Healthcare System"

On January 17, 2025, within the framework of the project "The Role of Physical Rehabilitation in the Healthcare System" TSMU students presented their works. The event was organized by the Department of Physical Rehabilitation Policy and Strategic Management of TSMU.

Professor Irakli Natroshvili, Rector of TSMU opened the event and expressed his gratitude for the students for their engaging and creative presentations. He emphasized the significance of their active involvement, noting that strong analytical skills and a proper understanding of the role of physical rehabilitation are crucial for advancing healthcare systems. The rector also highlighted that effective management and utilization of rehabilitation processes not only enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities but also contribute to the efficient functioning of healthcare systems in the long term.

This year, for the fifth time, Georgian and English-language students from the fourth semester of the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation presented group projects on the following topics: “Contemporary Opportunities for Neurorehabilitation Development”, “Rehabilitation and Economics”, “Pediatric Rehabilitation”, “Beyond Recovery: Strategic Insights for Political and Management Challenges in Rehabilitation; Physical Therapy: The Journey”

The preparation for these presentations included visits to the Ken Walker Rehabilitation Clinic and the Children’s Early Development Academy. During these visits, students evaluated the environment and conducted situational analyses. The research findings, which aimed to analyze the role of rehabilitation in patient health, family well-being, public health and the national economy, were later presented in their work. International students compared rehabilitation practices in their home countries with those in Georgia, providing a multicultural perspective on the topic. At the end of the session, students from the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation were awarded certificates for their successful presentations.

During the event, a representative of the Educational Fund of Tamaz Bekaia shared exciting news with the students. Mr. Tamaz Bekaia announced the launch of a new stage in the foundation’s partnership with TSMU, marking four years of fruitful collaboration. As part of this initiative, the foundation will provide semester funding for the student with the highest academic performance from the faculty.