თსსუ-ში  ივანე თარხნიშვილის სახელობის სტუდენტთა სამეცნიერო საზოგადოების ორგანიზებით გაიმართა სამედიცინო სასწავლო კონფერენცია /Medical Teaching Conference (MTC )

Medical Teaching Conference (MTC) at TSMU

On January 17, 2025, Tbilisi State Medical University hosted the Medical Teaching Conference (MTC), organized by the Ivane Tarkhnishvili Student Scientific Society. Students from the faculties of Medicine, Public Health, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physical Medicine, and Rehabilitation at TSMU, Tbilisi State University, Caucasus University and European University participated in the conference.

Professor Irakli Natroshvili, Rector of TSMU opened the event emphasizing the role and significance of science in contemporary education. Reflecting on his own student experience with the Ivane Tarkhnishvili Student Scientific Society, the rector encouraged and wished success to the next generation of researchers.

The conference featured 12 outstanding scientific papers selected from 46 submissions, which were evaluated by a competent jury. Based on pre-established criteria, three winners were announced:

1. Natalia Kajaya – Presentation: "Individual Neoantigen-Specific Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer" (Tbilisi State Medical University).

2. Mariam Kerechashvili – Presentation: "CRISPR and Gene Therapy" (Tbilisi State Medical University).

3. Mariam Kapanadze – Presentation: "Hormone-Resistant Breast Cancer Cells" (European University).

The conference serves as an important platform for promoting and advancing student scientific-research activities, contributing to the strengthening of their future academic and scientific endeavors.