თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტის წვლილი COVID -19-ის საქართველოში გავრცელების პრევენციასა და მკურნალობისთვის გატარებულ ღონისძიებებში

Contribution of Tbilisi State Medical University to Support COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment Measures in Georgia

In response to the global challenge against the spread of new virus (Sars-Cov-2) Tbilisi State Medical University made contribution to support the dissemination of COVID-19 in Georgia. 

TSMU First University Clinic is one of the leader clinics fighting against the spread of the new virus. Innovative medical infrastructure determines the quality of the clinic but in this process the vital role plays those experienced professionals, TSMU professors who are working in the clinic. Besides, the First University Clinic, TSMU professors are working at the Central Republican Hospital, Vakhtang Botchorishvili’s Clinic and etc.

Social responsibility has always been a priority for Tbilisi State Medical University, especially today, when Georgia faces a serious global challenge. TSMU has contributed one million Gel to support the Stopcov.ge Fund. 

TSMU students are actively involved in the prevention activities against COVID-19 at the First University Clinic, Central Republican Hospital, Simon Khechinashvili University Clinic, “Jerarsi” Clinic, National Center for Disease Control, Public Safety Management Center – 112, quarantine zones and etc. 

TSMU initiated free remote consultation service in order to assist Georgian citizens have answers on various health related questions (except COVID-19 related questions, in case of virus symptoms please call 1505 or 116001) and thus, support the government initiative #stayathome campaign. 

Stay at home!

We will take care of you!