თბილისის სახლემწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტში რიგით მე-20 სტუდენტთა სასწავლო სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია გაიმართა

20th Students' Teaching Scientific Talks

On May 30, 2019 the 20th Students' Teaching Scientific Talks was organized at TSMU by Ivane Tarkhnishvili Students’ Scientific Society. The articles in English and Russian languages were assessed by committee members.

1. Innovation and actuality of presented issues;

2. Presentations skills;

3. Quality of presentation;

4. Involvement in discussions.

The committee members:

1. Prof. Irine Kvatcahdze – Head of TSMU Quality Assurance Department;

2. Prof. Davit Tskhomelidze – Department of Medical Biology and Parazitology;

3. Assoc. Prof.  Nino Pirtskhelani -  Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics;

4. Assoc. Prof.  Giorgi Tchitchinadze - Department of Physiology;

5. Dr. Maka Mantskava - President of the Society of Clinical Radiology, representative of Ivane Beritashvili Experimental Biomedical Centre and Head of the Georgian Section of European Clinical Radiology and Microcirculation Society;

6. Assoc. Prof  Nino Didbaridze – Department of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

Three best articles were awarded by Ivane Tarkhnishvili Students’ Scientific Society Certificate.

1. Ani Michilashvili - - Genomic Imprinting and Patterns of Disease Inheritance; Tbilisi State Medical University (Public Health);

2. Davit Tatoshvili - Alterations in hippocampal extracellular matrix caused by  the chronic pain; Tbilisi State Medical University (Faculty of Medicine);

3. Ani Khuntsaruia - How to get sleeping again (Faculty of Medicine);

TSMU staff was actively involved in the organization process of the conference. Levan Tsaguria, President of Ivane Tarkhnishvili Students’ Scientific Society noted: “The committee members impartially assessed the participants and we thank to TSMU lecturers professors and committee members for the support”.