თსსუ-ის სტუდენტი თინათინ ნატროშვილი ERASMUS+ საერთაშორისო კრედიტ მობილობის ფარგლებში პარიზის ვალ დე მარნის საუნივერსიტეტო კლინიკაში იმყოფებოდა

TSMU student Tinatin Natroshvili was at Paris Val de Marne University Clinic within the framework of ERASMUS+ international credit mobility

TSMU Faculty of Medicine student Tinatin Natroshvili spent the spring semester at Paris Val de Marne University Department of General Surgery within the framework of ERASMUS+ international credit mobility.

TSMU student attended lectures in pharmacology, microbiology, anesthesiology, general surgery, radiology and internal medicine. Tinatin Natroshvili also underwent an internship at the Department of General Surgery including consultations with patients, diagnostics, therapy and involvement in surgeries. Tinatin Natroshvili attended a three-day conference in Paris. Contemporary issues in pediatrics, microbiology, surgery, geriatrics, pharmacology, internal and preventive medicine were discussed at the conference. “I am grateful to Tbilisi State Medical University for giving an opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people within the framework of the mobility” said Tinatin Natroshvili