ევროპის პედიატრიული ნევროლოგიური საზოგადოების (EPNS) ორგანიზებით გაიმართა სასწავლო კურსი „ბავშვთა ასაკის ნეირომეტაბოლური დარღვევები“

European Paediatric Neurology Society (EPNS) Delivered Training Course "Neuro-Metabolic Diseases in Childhood”

On November 13-14, 2020 two-day training course "Neuro-metabolic diseases in childhood” organized by Tbilisi State Medical University and European Paediatric Neurology Society (EPNS) was held. The training was first organized in 2014 within the framework of EPNS Caucasus Teaching Course and is traditionally held every two years. Due to the pandemic situation the event was transited in fully virtual mode. The training was attended by more than 350 participants from England, Italy, Portugal, France, Germany, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The target audience of the training was pediatrics, pediatric neurologists and intensivist. 

Field specialists, Professors: Coriene Catsman-Berrevoets Erasmus University (Netherlands), Andreas Hahn, Marburg University (Germany), Barbara Plecko,the University of Graz (Austria), Clara van Karnebeek, Radboud University (Netherlands), Michel Willemsen, Radboud University (Netherlands), Biayna Sukhudyan, Arabkir Medical Center (Armenia) delivered lectures. TSMU Vice Rector and Associate Professor, Sophia Bakhtadze participated in the panel work and delivered lecture from Georgia. For her contribution to the organization Assoc. Prof. Sophia Bakhtadze was awarded with a special award. 

Please see the course details: