On November 10, World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated throughout the world. The goal of the annual event is to emphasize the significant role of science in the society and inform them about the innovative scientific achievements. Regarding this day TSMU hosted an international scientific educational conference “Radiation Safety Challenges in Radiological Diagnostics and Treatment”. The conference was organized by Tbilisi State Medical University and LTD Ionireba. The conference was supported by the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, Nuclear and Radiation Safety Agency, the Georgian Association of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, the Georgian Radiologists Association, the First University Clinic of TSMU, Georgian Radiation Safety Association, the Georgian Neurosurgical Society.
The event was opened by Professor Zurab Vadachkoria Rector of TSMU, Assoc. Prof Grigol Nemsadze Department of Radiology, Mikheil Baramia representative of the Georgian Radiologists Association and Mirza Khinikadze, representative of the Georgian Neurosurgical Society. The conference was traditionally dedicated to radiation safety challenges in the medical field. In the 21st century the diagnostic and treatment procedures related to X-rays and nuclear medicine have been increasing steadily. Accordingly, urgent demand for the staff aware about the international safety standards in the nuclear field are of high importance. The two-day event was attended by radiologists, clinical oncologists, neurosurgeries, general surgeries and field specialists.