საჯარო ლექცია - ,,ეკრანდამოკიდებულება და მისი ნეიროგენული სუბსტრატი“

Public lecture "Screen addiction and its neurogenic substrate”

On December 26, 2022 a public lecture "Screen addiction and its neurogenic substrate" was organized by Tbilisi State Medical University Ivane Tarkhnishvili Students' Scientific Society. The lecture was delivered by Professor Sophia Bakhtadze, Head of Pediatric Neurology Department of TSMU. 

Issues related to diagnosis of screen addiction, its medical and social conditions and dynamics of changes in anatomical structures occurring during the screen addiction were presented at the public lecture. 

The lecture was attended by TSMU students, researchers, academic and administrative staff of the university. The public lecture was interesting for the audience.