სწავლების თანამედროვე მეთოდების გამოყენების გამოცდილება  საერთაშორისო ფორუმზე

Experience in the use of modern teaching methods in the international forum

Professor Shalva Zarnadze, Professor Levan Baramidze, Associate Professor Irine Zarnadze, Associate Professor Zurab Sikharulidze and Assistant Professor Devi Tabidze participated in the sixth International Interdisciplinary Forum (- "Social Sciences and Humanities") on May 23-28, 2018. The event was organized by the European Institute of Science in Barcelona, Spain.

At the event, the delegation presented the report - "Experience on the use of evidence of the medical and case study in the field of public health". For 15 years, using the modern method of teaching has been implemented with the support of foreign partners (USA, Canada, Norway, England) and it involves aims to develop the future skills of critical thinking, facilitate operational decision making, determining priorities and developing new strategies.

The report was presented by Associate Professor Irine Zarnadze.

Discussion was held at the forum and Georgia's experience was appreciated. It was also decided to publish the paper in the European Science Journal. Within the framework of the visit, the delegation of Georgia met representatives of different countries, as well as prospects of future cooperation, training and scientific direction.