ტრენინგების ციკლი - სწავლების, სწავლისა და შეფასების თანამედროვე მიდგომები დიპლომამდელ სამედიცინო განათლებაში

Training “Modern Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods of Undergraduate Medical Education”

From May 31 to June 5, 2021 six-day training “Modern Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods of Undergraduate Medical Education “ was organized at Tbilisi State Medical University for the heads of TSMU educational departments.

The following topics were discussed:

Integrated curriculum and syllabus: methods of development and implementation (Professor Irine Kvatchadze);

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Case-Based Clinical Reasoning (CBCR) (Professor Khatuna Todadze);

Modern opportunities and methods of research activity development (Associate Professor Sophia Bakhtadze);

Modern teaching and learning methods (Professor Rima Beriashvili);

Modern assessment methods: OSCE and its modifications (Professor Marina Mamaladze);

Entrusted Professional Activities (EPA) and Workplace Based Assessment (WPBA) (Professor Gaiane Simonia)

The training was held in non-distance mode in compliance with the epidemiological safety measures. The training will be conducted during three weeks. The second cycle will start on June 7-12 and the third – on June 14-19.