Music neuroscience in the clinical context: music and dementia

Music neuroscience in the clinical context: music and dementia

On 22th of November Tbilisi state medical university will host the head of scientific projects at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, Professor Lana Burmistrova. Professor will hold the public lecture "Music neuroscience in the clinical context: music and dementia".

Lecture will give an overview of the positive effects of music therapy on individuals with dementia, There will be discussed the main categories and mechanisms in the context of positive effect of music on dementia, music therapy interventions in the context of Alzheimer's disease, rhythm auditory stimulation in the context of the Parkinson's disease and preventions  possibilities using the music therapy.  

Date: 22th of November
Time: 4 PM
Location: TSMU Dissertation hall
 Address: 33, Vazha-Pshavela ave, TSMU Administrative Building, I Floor