საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია - 3rd International Conference on cardiovascular and Cardiac Surgery

3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular and Cardiac Surgery

On July 4-8, 2018, Irina Andronikashvili, Associate Professor of TSMU Department of Geriatrics and Head of Laboratory of Pharmacoimmunology at V.Bakhutashvili Institute of Medical Biotechnology participated in the 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular and Cardiac Surgery which was held in Berlin, Germany.  The conference was attended by outstanding cardiologists across the world.

Within the frames of the event, the lectures, discussions on the most pressing issues of cardiology were held. The conference was focused on interesting clinical cases and clinical trials.

Associate Professor Irina Andronikashvili presented the report – “Relation of blood pressure circadian rhythm and proximal reabsorption of sodium to salt-sensitive hypertension”.