ინსბრუკის (ავსტრია) სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტის სტუდენტი სტაჟირებით თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტის ქირურგიის დეპარტამენტში იმყოფებოდა

A student of Medical University of Innsbruck underwent internship at Tbilisi State Medical University

Tbilisi State Medical University was visited by Dario Vukosavlevich an exchange student from the Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria). The Austrian student underwent a clinical internship at the Department of Surgery of TSMU. 

The student noted, he was very glad about his decision to undergo an internship in Georgia, at the Tbilisi State Medical University.

“A routine day starts by meeting with a professor at the clinic. Together we see around the patients. Later, I attend a scheduled operation or a lecture. Generally, on Monday we have Professor Tomadze’s lecture. I learned a lot of surgical procedures from the Georgian doctors. I am sure the experience obtained in Georgia will make an impact on my career development as I am going to become a surgeon” – said Dario Vukosavlevich.

The Austrian student was coordinated by Professor Gia Tomadze and Assoc. Prof. Levan Gopodze, Department of Surgery of TSMU.

“We are glad to teach exchange students. Dario has a strong sense of responsibility and time-management skill. He was studying with a great enthusiasm, trying to be involved in diverse activities and manipulations. He used to participate in patient management and surgeries. As a consequence, the student’s internship was accomplished successfully at our clinic” said Assoc. Prof. Levan Gopodze. 

The Austrian student underwent clinical internship at the TSMU Department of Surgery within the framework of bilateral agreement between the Tbilisi State Medical University and Medical University of Innsbruck.