თსსუ-ში ექიმი-ნეიროფსიქოთერაპევტის, აზა მანთაშაშვილის საჯარო ლექცია გაიმართა

Public lecture of Dr. Aza Mantashashvili at TSMU

On May 29, 2024, a public lecture on "Achievements in Neuropsychophysiology and Methodology of Mental Well-being" was held at Tbilisi State Medical University. The lecture was conducted by Dr. Aza Mantashashvili Director of Brain Wellness Center (New York, Manhattan) and Head of the Department of Neuropsychotherapy and Neurofeedback.

Taking care of the general mental state of the population is an integral part of societal well-being. A society composed of mentally healthy individuals is more productive and successful. In recent years, the issue of mental health has become increasingly relevant, largely due to the stressful pace of life and changing environment. Therefore, understanding the importance of mental health and its impact on our lives is extremely important and is becoming more of a priority every day.

Dr. Aza introduced the audience to the latest developments in this field, modern treatment approaches, and the best solutions for addressing issues.  

Dr. Aza is visiting Tbilisi State Medical University for the second time and is sharing her experience with Georgian colleagues through a public lecture.