თსსუ-ის თეატრალური დასი „ჰიგია“ რუსთაველის ეროვნული თეატრის დიდ სცენაზე

Theater Hygia on the Rustaveli National Theatre stage

On July 1, 2024 TSMU Theater Hygia performed a play “Auschwitz” on the Rustaveli National Theatre stage. The plot of the play unfolds in Auschwitz, the most brutal and largest concentration camp in the world, which holds the darkest pages of crimes committed against humanity. The play portrays the lives of people in captivity, their daily existence filled with a constant struggle for survival. The actors, with great professionalism, convey the tragic fate of those in the concentration camp, their thoughts, feelings, sadness, despair, and hopelessness. Despite the harsh reality, they also capture the lingering spark of hope in their souls, which still manages to illuminate the spirits of the imprisoned individuals.

The director of the play Associate Professor Natia Gujabidze, Department of Histology, Cytology, and Embryology of TSMU and the founder of the theater noted that the main message she aimed to convey to the audience through this play is the idea of a free and equal society, which is the guarantee for maintaining international peace and security.