ინსბრუკის სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტის (ავსტრია) სტუდენტმა ჰანა ლენა ლუზიანიმ სტაჟირება თსსუ-ის პედიატრიის დეპარტამენტში გაიარა

Hanna Lena Luziani, a student from the Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) underwent an internship at Tbilisi State Medical University Department of Pediatrics

From September 16 to October 16, 2024, Hanna Lena Luziani, a student from the Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) underwent an internship in the Department of Pediatrics of Tbilisi State Medical University within the framework of an exchange program.

The student expressed her satisfaction with the experience gained in Georgia and recommended other students to participate in exchange programs.

"Each morning started with the discussions about patients’ health issues.  Later we used to visit the patients and examine them. The Georgian doctors are very attentive. I liked the way they were communicating with patients. I am very satisfied with the experience gained in Georgia. I strongly believe that gaining experience abroad is extremely important as it allows you to become familiar with the healthcare system of another country.

I am happy that Tbilisi State Medical University is one of the leading universities and its affiliated clinics offer the best opportunities for both theoretical and practical development. I have observed that there is a high standard of healthcare at TSMU clinics. Therefore, I would recommend other students to visit Georgia and obtain experience from Georgian doctors” said the student.

Hanna Lena Luziani underwent the internship at Tbilisi State Medical University within the framework of bilateral agreement between TSMU and the Medical University of Innsbruck.