თსსუ-ის პირველ საუნივერსიტეტო კლინიკაში სიახლეა - თანამედროვე  640 შრიანი კომპიუტერული ტომოგრაფიული (CT) სკანერი კორონარული არტერიების დაავადების და გულის სტრუქტურული დაზიანების დიაგნოსტიკაში

Novelty at TSMU the First Univeristy Clinic - Innovative 640-Slice (CT) Scanner

“Aquilion One Genesis” is Canon 640-slice (CT) scanner. The scanner is the next generation of CT reconstruction technology, the deep learning reconstruction method built on an articial intelligent neural network. 

Coronary artery disease is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality globally, regionally and nationally in both Western Europe and low- and middle-income countries. Consequently, the early detection of cardiovascular disease and introduction of modern diagnostic methods will help to prevent the disease and avoid possible complications.

The 640-slice CT scanner uses 80% less radiation than conventional scanners. Because of the low radiation dose and less time needed for diagnose, the scanner is safer for patients with overweight,  arrhythmia or with other contraindications. The patient does not have to stay in the hospital after the procedure. The scanner delivers unparalleled speed and image clarity for rapid diagnostic accuracy. 

TSMU the First University Clinic, with the introduction of modern technologies and the assistance of highly qualified academic staff, ensures the use of the innovative method in daily clinical practice.