თსსუ-ის სამეცნიერო უნარ-ჩვევების ცენტრის დირექტორის ლუიზა გაბუნიას ვიზიტი საფრანგეთში

Director of the TSMU Clinical Skills and Multidisciplinary Simulation Center Luiza Gabunia’s Visit to France

In November, 2021 scientific congress “Science and you – 2021” was organized at the Robert Schuman Conference Centre in Metz (France). Assoc. Professor Luiza Gabunia, Director of the TSMU Clinical Skills and Multidisciplinary Simulation Center was invited at the congress as a delegate. Assoc. Professor Luiza Gabunia presented report “Knowledge and Attitude towards Scientific Research Skills in Students at Tbilisi State Medical University“.

Within the framework of the congress partnership meetings in the field of scientific innovation and research were also organized. The participants discussed future cooperation opportunities.