პროფესორ რობერტ მიჩიტის (საფრანგეთი) ლექციები თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტში

Professor Robert Michit’s Lectures at TSMU

Professor from Academy of Management and Performance - UniMan (France), Robert Michit visited Tbilisi State Medical University and delivered series of lectures “Hospital Management” to TSMU Public Health students. Prof. Irakli Mtchedlishvili, the Dean of TSMU Public Health Faculty noted, Prof. Michit’s lectures are very interesting for students. The Public Health and Healthcare Management program is implemented in partnership with the French colleagues and after graduating the program students are granted with two, Georgian and French diplomas. TSMU also co-operates with the Academy of Management and Performance – UniMan and French professors constantly visited and deliver lectures or TSMU students.