სტომატოლოგთა საერთაშორისო კოლეგიის ევროპის სექციის რეგენტთა საბჭოს სხდომა

Meeting of the Board of Regents of the European Section of the International College of Dentists

On December 6-7, 2024, Professor Marina Mamaladze, Head of the Department of Odontology of Tbilisi State Medical University and Professor Zurab Vadachkoria, Vice Rector in Direction for Clinical Activity and Head of the Department of Children and Adolescent Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Stomatology, participated in the meeting of the Board of Regents of the European Section of the International College of Dentists (ICD) in Athens, Greece. 

Professor Marina Mamaladze was elected as a Regent of the ICD European Section (Head of the 16th Independent District) in 2023. The Board of Regents, which governs the ICD European Section, meets twice annually to discuss section policies, current issues, and future plans. Regents are responsible for reporting on pressing issues within their respective regions. During the meeting, Professor Marina Mamaladze presented updates on the activities of the members of the 16th District in Georgia. She expressed gratitude to Professor Mauro Labanca, a member of the Board of Regents, for his visit to TSMU and his outstanding lecture. Professor Marina Mamaladze introduced the Board of Regents Georgian dentists who are nominated for membership at the upcoming 68th ICD Congress in Salzburg.

Following the Board meeting, Professor Marina Mamaladze and Professor Zurab Vadachkoria met with professors from universities within the ICD European Section to discuss the vital role of higher education institutions in the organization’s annual meetings. They also outlined future collaboration prospects, emphasizing enhanced engagement in ICD initiatives.