Tbilisi State Medical University is a partner institution in the ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education project “Life Support Training and Dissemination (LIFESTRAND) for Higher Education Institutions and Community Representatives living in Military Risk Areas of Ukraine and Georgia”. The project LIFESTRAND, aims to teach first aid skills to the staff, and students of the University of Ukraine and Georgia and share experience in this direction. Also, teaching first aid skills to vulnerable populations living in potentially high militaristic risk zones and affected by Russian occupation and military aggression. The ultimate goal of the project is to Safeguard Health and Survival Rights of vulnerable communities affected by the Russian Occupation and military aggression through building their capacities in the First Aid and Pre-hospital Trauma care.
Project Objectives:
Experience sharing and technical guidance from University of Santiago de Compostela, SEMERGEN Society and University of Porto to Georgian and Ukrainian Universities for the development of the First Aid Guides for University Staff, Students and Community Representatives.
Trainings of university staff and students, as well as community representatives, to provide the first aid support and safeguard the lives in military risk areas of Ukraine and Georgia.
Anticipated results of the project:
Guidelines will be developed to provide the first aid support safeguard the lives in military risk areas of Ukraine and Georgia
The project will benefit 242 Staff and Students of 7 Universities in Georgia and Ukraine and 7,200 community representatives living in military risk areas of Ukraine and Georgia.
Partner Institutions:
• Tbilisi Medical Academy (coordinator)
• Tbilisi State Medical University
• Alte University
• Grigol Robakidze University
• Luganski State Medical University
• Ternopol State Medical University
• Poltava State Medical University
• Santiago de Compostela University
• University of Porto